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What law governs you?


A new Nation was created by the men that signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 A.D., styled The United States of America in the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777; ratified and enforce March 1, 1781, Article 1 (the de jure Nation).


The United States of America's de jure government is called the United States in the Constitution for the united States of America, 1789 A.D., as ratified and amended by the Bill of Rights in 1791 (the Constitution) Article I, Section (§) 1, clause 1.

The United States was perfected as a Republican form of government by "We the People" in the Constitution that guaranteed that all States in the Union a Republican Form of government. The Constitution, Article IV, § 4.

The de jure Nation originally consisted of all the land and water bodies inside the exterior boundaries of 13 independent compact states that bordered one another and most of them were bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean.

The de jure Nation now consists of all the land and water bodies from the East Coast bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West Coast bordered by the Pacific Ocean and from the border with Canada to the north and the border with the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico to the south, the states of Alaska and Hawaii and all of the people, pets, domestic and wild animals, persons and property found within those borders.

The United States ("U.S.") consists of the area of land specifically and expressly defined as the District of Columbia ("DC") and its territories including, but not limited to, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands; insular possessions both inside the defined exterior land and water boundaries of the 50 independent compact states of The United States of America including, but not limited to, national forests, monuments and parks; military installations (bases) and naval shipyards and ports; post offices; federal courthouses; federal detention centers and prisons and any and all other land and buildings needed for the administration of the federal government.


On July 9, 1868, A.D., with the Constitution's Amendment XIV (the 14th Amendment), forces hostile to the rights of the people laid a foundation in order to undo all the work that had been accomplished by the people over the previous 92 years, since July 4, 1776.

Subject to the creation of the District of Columbia and other acts predicated on the 14th Amendment, a new class of citizen was created, a "citizen of the United States" that was "subject to the jurisdiction thereof [of the United States]", and considered to be a "resident" (alien) of a state, a legal "person".

In 1935, the Social Security Act was passed and all citizens of all states that were not already a citizen of the United States by nationality or birth in the United States were given the opportunity to obtain a Social Security Administration account that would qualify them for federal benefits for their disability, unemployment, old-age or retirement.

What was not disclosed to the people in the law, in the codification of the law, in  the regulations or in the directions for applying for or on the application for a Social Security account was that in order to "qualify" for these federal government "benefits" one had to identify themselves as a "citizen of the United States", a "person" totally subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and abandon, give up, set aside, surrender or waive almost all of their most important state and federal constitutionally secured rights.

Allegedly, sometime prior to 1948, more than half (50.1%) of the adult population of The United States of America had applied for a Social Security account and accepted benefits offered by the United States and that, ostensibly, allowed the de jure the United States to create new de facto ens legis entities, corporations or democracies titled THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and THE UNITED STATES (deceptively and slyly using dog Latin (all block, capital or uppercase English letters) in the same arrangement as the letters of the de jure Nation and Government in order to create an idems sonans or an illusion in order to prevent the people from figuring out what had actually been done).

The deception worked well because as late as 1948 there was no Internet; there were no personal computers; there was limited and expensive telephone service; most people still believed that the United States actually protected peoples' liberty and rights having just won World War II against tyrannical governments; TV was in its infancy and limited to only a few channels in any area; most people relied on newspapers (real journalism, not the "fake news" offered by a multitude of media and TV stations today) and radio and had limited ability to accurately confirm what they read or heard or to effectively or quickly exchange information.

On June 25, 1948, Congress reorganized the courts and abandoned every district court of the United States that was part of the Judicial department of the United States, Article III of the Constitution; and allowed every UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT (legislative/territorial courts created by Congress under Article I, § 8, clauses 17 and 18 and Article 4, § 3, clause 2 of the Constitution) to administer and enforce Acts of Congress, statutes, code sections, regulations, rules and orders of the United States, through a plaintiff styled UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, against the citizens of the United States.

In a UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, a PERSON or "DEFENDANT" is treated exactly like a corporation. The presumption is that if you are served, subpoenaed, arrested or hauled into the court by any means whatsoever, and you do not timely and effectively object (declare who you are), that you are the defendant.

In fact, a magistrate or judge will simply presume that you are a citizen of the United States that is totally subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and, therefore, that you are a person without any "constitutionally secured" rights.

Part of the remedy is found in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, Public Law 94-583, Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2891, [H.R. 11315], § 1603. Definitions (a), (b)(1)(2)(3) and (c); and, § 1604. Immunity of a foreign state from jurisdiction; and other laws of the United States.

You may be immune from most if not all state or United States statutes, code sections, regulations, rules, Executive and other orders or anything else that in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, impairs, impedes, obstructs or defeats any right that is secured to you by the state or federal Constitutions; or that in any manner whatsoever affects or diminishes your status as a freeman or woman, an American or member of the people comprising the sovereignty of The United States of America, that are or may be administered or enforced by STATE OF FLORIDA, THE STATE OF (INSERT YOUR STATE HERE) or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; and, therefore, you may not be subject to STATE OF FLORIDA; the FLORIDA STATUTES; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or the UNITED STATES CODE.

In order to claim the immunity recognized by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, you must know who you are, where you live, where, and with whom, or what you conduct your affairs and what laws apply to you.

1  See the words of the Pledge of Allegiance.

2  UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE, Article 9, § 307(h).

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